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A tankless water heater is among the most cost-effective and efficient options to get a constant supply of hot water in your home. Unlike traditional water heaters, tankless heaters give hot water on demand, occupy less space, use less energy, and last for about 20 years if properly maintained. However, like any other home appliance, your water heater requires routine maintenance to function efficiently. Our team of experts here at JNR Plumbing shares some plumbing maintenance tips for tankless water heaters.
Flush the water heater
Over time, tankless water heaters accumulate mineral deposits, which can erode the interior parts of the tank’s heating compartment. As a result, the efficiency of your water heater might reduce, necessitating water heater repair in Greenwich, CT. If you don’t flush your water heater, you can significantly shorten its lifespan. To clean and keep your water heater in good shape, ensure you flush your water heater every six months to three years. You can flush the tankless heater on your own or hire a plumber for the job.
Clean the water filter
When performing water heater maintenance, ensure you don’t forget the water filter. Most tankless heaters have a screen that filters debris before it gets to the heating unit. You will have to clean this debris regularly to ensure the proper functionality of your unit. You can use warm soapy water or white vinegar to clean the screen. If you cannot locate the water filter, read the user manual to find its location. You can also enlist professional water heater services to get the job done.
Regular inspections
After water heater installation, ensure you make a point of checking your tankless heater regularly. Ensure you check all the pipes that supply to and take away water from the heater. Besides, inspect the heating element and valves to ensure they are in their proper working condition. Also, make sure you repair any broken parts immediately.
Need water heater replacement? Contact JNR Plumbing right away. Our technicians will offer professional services tailored to your water heater model so that you can make the most of your water heater. Contact us today to book your appointment.